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Availability: 47 In Stock
Anti-cellulite Conductive Gel, 1000 ml
Ecological Conductive Gel for medical and aesthetic radiofrequency
Geranium Oil, Natural Orange Oil, Chestnut Extract, Coffee Bean Extract, Ivy Leaf Extract, Ruscus Aculeatus Root Extract, Vegetable Glycerin
Availability: 49 In Stock
Availability: Out of stock
Availability: 50 In Stock
Availability: 99 In Stock
Availability: 99 In Stock
Availability: 10 In Stock
Availability: 10 In Stock
Anti-cellulite Conductive Gel, 1000 ml
Advanced formulation for shock wave, ultrasound, microcurrent and galvanic devices
Geranium Oil, Natural Orange Oil, Chestnut Extract, Coffee Bean Extract, Ivy Leaf Extract, Ruscus Aculeatus Root Extract, Vegetable Glycerin
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